The Gaslight Inn
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- Free WiFi
- Private baths
- 1 off-street parking spot per guest room
- Flat screen with Direct TV

Bright guestroom with queen bed, striped couch and large slider door onto outdoor patio
Front entry of a home with tall metal shelving unit, oriental rug and French doors looking into adjoining room
Upstairs hallway of a home with rugs on hardwood floors and long stairwell leading downstairs
Guestroom with queen four poster bed, flowered wallpaper and oriental rug
Front porch of a brick home with tall white pillars, beautiful hanging baskets and flag on a pole
Elegant sitting room with couch, two wingback chairs, coffee table and door to the outdoors
Backyard brick patio with lush landscaping and two patio tables with chairs and red umbrellas
Outdoor patio with brown wicker furniture, white columns and plants
Elegant dining table set with floral china, folded napkins, candles and vase with flowers
Living room of a home with a cream colored couch, two chairs, coffee table and three windows with floral curtains
Foyer of a home with dresser, writing desk and French doors opening to a hallway with a staircase
Call for Assistance
(717) 337-9100